The Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Miss Hospitality contest on Saturday, February 27 to be held at the chamber of commerce. All ladies that are senior in high school (age 18) college grad. student (up to age 24) are invited to participate. The local participation fee is $25. Application and fee are due no later than Wednesday Feb. 23 at 4 PM. The contest will be a brief interview process and focuses on presence, composure, and interview skills. The local winner selected must be able to attend the state competition workshop May 21 in Hattiesburg and the state competition July 10-17, also in Hattiesburg.
For more info or to obtain the local competition application form and/or see requirements to participate, please visit www.brookhavenchamber.org., visit the chamber at 230 S. Whitworth Ave., email admin@brookhavenchamber.com, or call 601-833-1411.